Sunday 19 October 2008

It’s been a while

And for that, I apologise.

Contrary to how it must look, I haven’t given up on this ole blog. It’s just been a crazy month with work/a trip to Rome/other stuff and I’ve taken my eye off the ball like an offensive lineman excitedly snapping up fumble, only to see it ripped from his hands and taken to the house. (Sorry, Pete Kendall, couldn’t resist).

Anyway. Hello again.

During the down period the Rays have been the Rays – winning tough games with ease when everyone had basically written them off – and the Sox have been the Sox – coming back into play-off contention from the most precarious of positions. Over in the NFL the QB injury crisis continues with quality names like Tony Romo, Carson Palmer and Jon Kitna (just kidding) following one Mr Brady towards the treatment table, while the Tennessee Titans look like the best team in football.

Wait, what?

No, I just checked, and that really is the case. For now.

Proper constructive analysis of some/most/all of the above to follow in the coming days. Beginning with a deliriously happy – or, more likely, head-in-hands sad – appraisal of tonight’s game seven showdown between Tampa and Boston. It’d be the typical of the Sox to come back from the dead and win it all again, just like ’04 and ’07. But it would also be jarringly characteristic of those damn Rays to drag themselves back from the brink like they’ve been doing all season, in what might be the most important game of all.

You call it. I really don’t want to.

Youk, Papi, Paps, Tek: just one more win. Please?

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