I’m NFLBabus.
The Babus part comes from my being a seven-year-old child locked inside a 28-year-old man’s body.
The NFL part comes from my total infatuation with not just the National Football League, but every American sport going.
I live in the UK. I dream of living in the States.
In Chicago, home of the Bulls. I like them because Chi-town was the first American city I visited. I don’t pretend otherwise.
Or Boston, the home of my beloved Red Sox. I adore them because Boston is the greatest city on the planet, and they the greatest sporting franchise. It’s not astrophysics.
Or in Miami, where the hapless, laughing stock NFL franchise I’ve followed since I was a kid are based.
They’re called the Dolphins.
They used to be a Gridiron force.
They’re now a bit shit.
The Yanks think us Brits know naff all about US sports.
The Yanks don’t know me.
Every month I spend money I can’t really afford on subscriptions to NASN and MLB.TV. The first thing I do when I get home every night is watch Pardon The Interruption. Then NFL Total Access. Then Baseball Tonight. From the night before. When my games industry colleagues are banging on about the greatness of Call Of Duty 4 and Grand Theft Auto IV, I’m too busy evangelising MLB 08: The Show and Madden NFL 09 to listen. I go to bed at night stressing about how to upgrade my Yahoo fantasy teams, the Benson Red Sox (baseball) and Odd Down Dolphins (football). I see player news items from rotoworld.com in my sleep. I develop an instant, irreversible hatred for anyone I see wearing a MFY (that's Motherfuckingyankees, mother, and I'm sorry) cap while walking down the high street. I worry about fans giving John Beck stick when he goes out at night. I fantasise about kissing Kevin Youkilis on his big, shiny cue ball head and never washing my lips again. I’m basically a US sports maniac. And I’m proud of it.
And this my blog, where I plan to spend the coming weeks, months and years proving that us Brits (well, me at least) do know a fair bit about America’s favourite pastimes. And like to be massively opinionated over them, too.
And if that fails?
I’ll just post photos of players’ wives and girlfriends in a desperate attempt to keep people coming back.

Cheers, Mr Romo.
16-0, Keep posting pics, two for the price of one of Bradys' wives. And for a Long Snapper, Lonie Paxtons wife is hot :)
Seriously Ben, can't the good people at Deadspin give you a job and let me kill two birds with one stone? ;)
Looks good Ben. I'll be sure to bookmark and give it a read.
Sold! Is Youkilis the god of walks from Moneyball?
Yes, he's that one. I think it said in the afterword that had the old Red Sox management been in place Youkilis would have been traded to Oakland. They avoided that by a matter of months.
And the weird thing that everyone mentions is that he's not Greek in any way. He's from a Jewish family.
Indeedy. Yooooooooooooooooouk!
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